Holy Shenanigans

Dawn Trautman: Does Gratitude Matter?

Tara Lamont Eastman Season 4 Episode 17

This week, Dawn Trautman and Tara share a conversation about gratitude in the midst of Lent. How do Lent and gratitude mix? In the grit of life does gratitude actually matter???

Who is Dawn?

Dawn Trautman founded Big Picture Big Purpose in 2005 to coach ministry professionals, academics, and non-profit leaders into healthy change-makers in their personal and professional lives.

What sets her apart from other coaches is her proprietary process called “Discern by Doing,” which helps people take action toward big goals while listening to the Holy Spirit each step of the way. Her work has been described as "strategic," "action-oriented," and "relentlessly positive without being unrealistic."

After earning a Masters in Youth & Family Ministry at Luther Seminary she earned an additional Masters in Organizational Psychology at New York University. She combined those degrees to become one of the first National Board Certified Life Coaches in the United States.

She is also a mom, a professional actor, and producer of a web series called “A Dairy Tale” which she describes as being like The Office if your Office were a barn. On weekends she volunteers at her church's food pantry in New York City, which serves up to 24,000 meals a week.

Website: www.BigPictureBigPurpose.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawntrautman/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BigPictureBigPurpose 

TikTok: @BigPictureBigPurpose 

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Pastor Tara Lamont Eastman is an Ordained Minister of Word & Sacrament in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She is the Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Warren Pennsylvania. She is a contributing writer to the Collaborate Lutheran Student Bible and the Connect Sunday School curriculum, published by Sparkhouse.

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